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Vintage gay porn actor jeff quinn videography

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Set on an actual construction site and introducing real life straight construction worker Ryan Steele and featuring 250lb Royal bodybuilder Gage Blake Demolition is a must see for guys who like their own men verbal and nasty. Along the way, see young pup Hans Ebson suffer at the hands and cocks of Hurley and hung Rich Raines. After Joshua Scott receives much more than he had bargained for, Paul Carrigan embarks on a dark adventure culminating in his tight man hole being severely gang ravaged by ultimate Steve Hurley, 10 inch 'uncut' monster cock Chad Johnson and superstar Mason Jarr. Beefy super-hunk Paul Carrigan mercilessly plows willing muscleman Joshua Scott in his shower. Nominated actor and screenwriter takes you on an erotic roller coaster ride in his stunning directorial debut.

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